Colmore Business District (BID)

The award winning Colmore BID was established in 2009 to create a thriving, nationally recognised business community around the Colmore Row area of Birmingham city centre. Over 500 companies employing around 35,000 people and occupying over 5 million square feet of office space now form the commercial heart of Birmingham.


The BID company is a not-for-profit and democratically elected company. Colmore BID’s first term ran from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2014. The BID secured a resounding Yes vote in its renewal ballot for a second five-year term from April 2014 to March 2019. Those in favour made up 94% of the turnout by number and 96% of the aggregate rateable value represented by those voting.  The turnout was 61%. 

Colmore BID has a board of non-executive directors made up of representatives from across the District, which reflect the composition of business types and sectors in the area. The Colmore BID also has stakeholder directors from Birmingham City Council, West Midlands Police and Centro. Gary Cardin is the current Chair of the Colmore Business District Board. Rob Valentine is the Vice Chair.





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